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If you would like to support STLI financially (all contributions to STLI are tax-deductible, to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. law,) or you would like to support a specific project, you can send your checks made payable to Scientific Technology & Language Institute to the following address:


9337 Katy Freeway, Ste B135

Houston, TX 77024

If your contribution is for the support of a specific project, please write the name of the project on the memo line. If your contribution is for STLI General funds, please write "General Fund" on the memo line.


Click on the "Donate Now" button to give online via our secure website. You can make a one-time or recurring contribution directly from your bank account (ACH) or using a credit card.

Dropdown menus will allow you to select specific STLI projects or opportunities. Most of all, we are grateful for your financial partnership with STLI!

Note: Gifts made by credit card and e-check are subject to transaction fees from the credit card companies and online transaction services. Checks and Electronic Giving/ACH are the most economical ways to donate.


Please contact the STLI office by email at or

call 206-947-5444 to learn how to donate stock.

Note: As required by the IRS, all contributions are solicited with the understanding that STLI has complete control and discretion over the use of all donated funds. Also, by making a charitable gift to STLI, a 501(c)(3) organization, the donor understands that charitable donations are not refundable or transferable.

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